7 December, 2021 · Blog · Tags: interior design barcelona
We meet again on a date when the decoration of our home takes on special importance. Christmas motifs can flood every corner of our home with excitement and no wonder. For a few days we will enjoy the warmth of sharing moments with our family and best friends.
For this reason we want to share some ideas for Christmas interior design for the home. All of them designed from a practical and simple point of view so that the whole family can participate. In fact, it is a type of decoration that the whole family will enjoy, from the little ones, who will have a lot of fun, to the older ones.
In this aspect, Grupo Inventia is committed to an interior design that is accessible to all and that involves a correct investment. We can apply Christmas to our home in a simple and economical way with excellent results. We also keep in mind that this Christmas decoration can fit into any type of interior design.
Natural centerpieces
A centerpiece of Christmas interior design are centerpieces. Both for a large table as a central element in meals and dinners and in small tables in the livingroom or bedrooms. So why don’t we make it ourselves? In this way we will have a perfect decorative element in which we will not invest the time involved in going to buy it or the investment involved.
A practical idea for this is to place on the bottom of a bowl or plate a base of green garlands that simulate the lawn. We will now have several options available to finish decorating it. One of the most fun is the natural pineapples. In addition to having a good time walking with the family we can transport the outdoor Christmas atmosphere to our own home.
It is a matter of choosing several that are in good condition to be placed directly. For added safety, they can be easily cleaned with a little water and allowed to dry. With these simple steps we will have an ideal Christmas centerpiece that we can complement with other elements. For example, a Christmas tree ball or a candle that brings more warmth to the environment.
Window decoration
At Christmas, there are many decorative elements that require an anchorage on the wall or on another surface to be hung. While this may be an excellent color note, it is also true that when removing them we may encounter some damage. For this reason we will try to apply a Christmas interior design in a simple way and that can also be removed with the same ease.
This time we are going to decorate the windows and even the mirrors, an image that is also very classic these days. To do this, the market offers us several products that are increasingly environmentally friendly. We are referring to the traditional artificial snow that we have so often seen and even used in our home.
Although this product can be complex to make by hand, we can take care of making the templates with Christmas motifs. With that we are sure to have a good time with the family and it will also make our imagination run wild. In the same way we will be direct accomplices of the Christmas interior design in our home and surely that silhouette of a Christmas gift or cane will make us smile every time we look at it.
El tió
One of the most popular Christmas traditions in Catalonia is el tió. A tree trunk that, when struck at the sound of his song, presents gifts to the little ones… and also to the adults. With this little presentation it is definitely presented as an ideal element to be part of our Christmas interior design.
As it is a tree trunk, we recommend purchasing it in specialist shops that guarantee a correct treatment in the wood. However we will stay only with the trunk, decorating it will be our responsibility. Like the two previous ideas for Christmas home interior design, the whole family can participate in this one.
It’s about drawing her eyes and a mouth and putting on the traditional Catalan hat. From there, the more we take care of him and pamper him, the better he will give us gifts on December 25th. We will enjoy a very fun and endearing moment in which we will have been part of the creation of the protagonist.
Interior design company in Barcelona
As a company of house renovations in Grupo Inventia we have a department specialized in interior design of housing. We offer our services both in the city of Barcelona and in nearby towns. To request a project or advice on the interior design of your home, you can call us without obligation on 93 209 97 17. Our professionals will assist you so that you can make your home look the same as you most like.