12 November, 2019 · Blog
Reforming a home before selling or selling is essential if we want to make the apartment more attractive. And of all the aspects in which it is necessary to influence to achieve this, the energy efficiency is the most important. And if a house is energy efficient it will always have a higher value in the market. For this reason many are those that are launched to improve the energy efficiency in your home before selling or renting, in order to get a better rating in the certificate of energy efficiency mandatory before putting it in rent or for sale.
The best energy rates
In any case, before settling for the reform, you must verify if your energy contracts are at the right prices and conditions. Otherwise you will have to contract gas and electricity with another rate or hire gas and electricity with another dealer. Remember that hiring two supplies is free, unless you have to suspend the commitment of your previous contract for the contracting of the new electricity and gas tariff.
Fortunately, some marketers, such as Naturgy (formerly Gas Natural Fenosa), offer their energy contracts without commitment of permanence in most cases. In the case of this light and gas company, in order to be able to hire any of its services, you must contact Gas Natural Fenosa by phone, through the webpage or any of its Naturgy shops.
How to improve energy efficiency?
Getting a more efficient home is much easier than it seems. So, below, we’ll show you some ideas so you can get it, although there are many more!
- Improve isolation. In this way you will not lose heating in winter or you will lose it in the summer. This is achieved by changing the windows for those with a thermal bridge and that the exterior walls have materials that are good thermal insulators.
- Install LED bulbs throughout the house and appliances for the highest energy efficiency.
- Paint the walls with light colors so that they bounce the light and there is more luminosity.
- The mirrors are a good way to give a greater sensation and generate more luminosity during the stay without the electric light.
- Change your toilet by another composting.
- Change your bathtub for a shower tray.
- Install a flow reducer.
- Bet for efficient air conditioning with a low temperature and condensing natural gas boiler combined with a thermostat that reduces up to 25% with respect to a conventional boiler as we can see in this article.
- Review of the electrical installation and the pipes.
These are just some ideas but there are many more. And finally, every home is a world and not all of them need the same changes. That’s why it is necessary to have a professional company that can bring your reform to the best port.